Brett Brooks
Once told that if he were a villain, he’d be called Sarcastro, Brett Brooks is a sharp-witted, dry-humored, and generous-natured writer based in metro Atlanta, Georgia. His work is intelligent and often humorous, focusing on heroic characters, empowered women, and the occasional talking animal. He is not above defying the conventions of genre just to make sure a good story is told. Brett has long been involved in both the comic and gaming world. He has written comics for both Dark Horse and Tekno Comics, as well as working on White Wolf’s World of Darkness RPG. For twenty years he was a staff writer for Comic Shop News and the managing editor of Game Shop News. In the early 2000’s he formed Pandahead Publishing alongside his wife, Allyson Brooks, where they published the cult-favorite RPG Xcrawl and later the kid-friendly RPG, Med-dling Kids. From a novel writing point of view, he is the author of the Pussy Katnip series, including Red is the Darkest Color, The Devil Was Green, the recent short-story anthology A Hand of Gold and other stories, and the upcoming full-length novel, The Deep Blue Sleep. He also wrote the criti-cally acclaimed horror-comedy novel Edible Complex, as well as the fantasy series The Cham-pions of Elan.
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