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Danette Schardt-Cordova
Danette Schardt-Cordova started tabletop gaming at twelve and computer gaming at fourteen with a TRaSh-80 from Radio Shack. Now she regularly streams her gaming (RPGs, Minecraft and whatever Charles(Ghost_Prime) drags her into) under the name Tamriel Mother in between taking care of her husband, crafting, and too many cats.
Day | Start | Location | Name of Event |
Fri | 1:00 PM | CC - Mtg Room 14/15 | Meet and Greet the First Timers! - Round One |
Fri | 5:00 PM | CC - Mtg Room 14/15 | Opening Ceremonies |
Fri | 9:00 PM | CC - Mtg Rm 7/8 (Workshop Track) | Streaming 101 Workshop |
Sun | 10:00 AM | M - Plaza Ballroom A/B | Kaffeeklatsch |
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