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J. P. Chandler
J.P. Chandler was born and raised in California, where he now resides with his wife of many years. He uses writing in the genres of Science Fiction and Fantasy as his excuse for pursuing various interests. He first started writing fiction when he was fourteen.
Day | Start | Location | Name of Event |
Fri | 5:00 PM | CC - Mtg Room 14/15 | Opening Ceremonies |
Fri | 8:00 PM | CC - Mtg Room 14/15 | Chris Kennedy Publishing - the Year Ahead |
Sat | 4:00 PM | M - Plaza Ballroom A/B | This Fallen World |
Sat | 10:00 PM | CC - Mtg Rm 9/10 | Same-Old, Same-Old: Military SF and the Technology Curve |
Sun | 11:00 AM | CC - Mtg Room 14/15 | Four Horsemen Universe (4HU) Roundtable and Mass Autograph |
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