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Tim Akers

Tim Akers is a fantasy novelist, a gamer, and utterly unemployable in the traditional sense. His novels include the dark fantasy Wraithbound, lighter portal series Knight Watch, and high action hard magic world of Bladecaster. He lives in Chicago with his indefatigable wife and a mountain of unpainted miniatures.
Day | Start | Location | Name of Event |
Fri | 5:00 PM | CC - Ballroom E (Main Event Programming) | Opening Ceremonies |
Fri | 7:00 PM | CC - Mtg Room 5 (Main Event Programming) | World Building for Epic Fantasy |
Sat | 10:00 AM | M - Plaza Ballroom Mezzanine - Authors/Artists Alley | Authors/Artist Alley: Tim Akers, Amie Gibbons, Karl Gallagher, David Hensley, Kelly Grayson |
Sat | 11:00 AM | M - Plaza Ballroom Mezzanine - Authors/Artists Alley | Authors/Artist Alley: Tim Akers, David Sherrer/Lydia Sherrer, Laura Montgomery, April Kelly Jones, Rebecca Jones, Michael LaVoice |
Sat | 12:00 PM | M - Plaza Ballroom Mezzanine - Authors/Artists Alley | Authors/Artist Alley: Lydia Sherrer / David Sherrer, Jenny Wren, Michael Kingswood, Tim Akers, Nic Plume, Chris Wade |
Sat | 2:00 PM | CC - Ballroom E (Main Event Programming) | Baen Travelling Road Show |
Sun | 10:00 AM | M - Plaza Ballroom A/B | Kaffeeklatsch |
Sun | 2:00 PM | M - Carter Room (Readings 1) | Reading: Tim Akers and Stephen Granade |
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