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The LibertyCon Art and Charity Auction

Each year, LibertyCon offers our guests a chance to participate in an exciting and fun challenge, the Art and Charity Auction. Participants get a chance to bid on, and hopefully win, several of the art pieces from our amazing Art Show. Additionally, several unique items are up for bid each year, ranging from signed books to Munchkin cards to a chance to be Tuckerized in a novel.

For those who are unfamiliar with the term, Tuckerization (or being Tuckerized) is when an author uses a person's name (and sometimes other characteristics) in a story. These characters are often smaller parts and act as a wink and nod to the fans. A great example of this is our very own Uncle Timmy, who was tuckerized in David Weber's Honor Harrington novel Ashes of Victory as the engineer of LAC-1961 Cutthroat as well as the villainous character Tennessee Bolgeo in A Beautiful Friendship.

Here's a sampling of what will be available for this year's auction:

  • A personalized Munchkin card from Steve Jackson Games

  • A David Weber first reader slot

  • The Complete Works of Robert A. Heinlein-The Virginia Edition book collection (valued at $1500)

  • Melissa Gay's Charity Art Jam painting

  • A stained glass piece created by Leia Powell during her presentation

  • A custom table gaming terrain piece built by Anita Moore during her presentation

  • One of six seats for Larry Correia's RPG Gritty Cop Show to be played on Sunday afternoon

  • Signed novels

  • Tuckerization by various authors

  • Art pieces

The Complete Works of Robert A. Heinlein-The Virginia Edition

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