Companions in Chains
Book 12 of 14: The Phoenix Initiative
Chained by Loyalty
Lieutenant Bree “Ducky” Alcuin returned from her first contract and learned her best friend was missing, along with her entire merc company. When a trio of Flatar showed up and delivered a message—Rebel was alive and a captive of the Science Guild—Ducky decided to do whatever it took to get her back. Including calling in a certain favor token.
Chained by Duty
When Ruin agreed to hunt down a missing merc for the granddaughter of Dama Tamir, he didn’t expect it to be a particularly difficult assignment. How hard could tracking down one Human possibly be? But in order to complete his task, he would have to go places he never anticipated.
Chained by Memory
When an injured cat showed up on her Iskandar ranch, Rebel cared for and sheltered him. Even when the sheriff inexplicably demanded she turn him over, she protected him. But things aren’t always what they seem, and getting on the wrong side of the law was only the beginning of her problems.
Ducky, Ruin, and Rebel are separated by more than stargates, but they are not alone.
And they won’t remain chained for long.
Melissa Olthoff |