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LibertyCon History

LibertyCon has been around for a few decades now. It is a labor of love to bring our show to you, our family. Throughout the years this has turned into a remarkable family reunion of fans, guests, and pros. We love putting on our show, and we love hosting it for you.


Over the years we’ve had lots of changes, from the many hotels and venues to meeting new friends and family to, sadly, the passing of friends and family.


LibertyCon had its first convention back in 1987. We have a copy of every single program book we have used throughout the years. These program books are available for download.


Past Guests of Honors and Program Books


Our photo galleries, unfortunately, only go back as far as LibertyCon 13. It was about that time we were able to start digitally recording the photos. We are always on the lookout for older images and will update the website with them as we come across them.


LC13 through LC30 Photo Gallery (currently under repair and link not working)


LC28 – Present Photo Gallery (currently under repair and link not working)


As mentioned earlier, part of the joy of getting to know people throughout the years is also the sadness of having them pass from this world through the next. Over the years we’ve had some amazing individuals come into and touch our lives. We are all better for having lived in a world with them in it. We have dedicated a page to their memory.


LibertyCon In Memorium (currently under repair and link not working)

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