Remember when you were a week away from “THE” convention you’d been waiting for all year? Remember counting down the days until you got to see your chosen family? Oh, remember the relaxed excitement of having only the packing left to do?
Yup, I remember those days. We’re now to the “did I forget anything” stage. I’m mostly packed, jammies are my friend. All that’s left is the last orders that can’t go in yet and prepping those yummy dishes. Although we work throughout the year, your hospitality staff works tirelessly these last few weeks. Making lists for orders, checking if the order can be placed yet… “How ‘bout now? No? Ok. I’ll just keep checking back, thanks.” All the while trying not to watch the shiny squirrels as they pass by. At any given moment, we have at least three projects running. It’s a madhouse.
“How ‘bout now? Ready for that order yet? No?” *whines* But I don’t want to wait. I want it done so I don’t have to worry about it anymore.
Some of our folks have been baking muffins and scones, while others have been working on more savory dishes. One of our attendees sent a box of Zweigle’s Pop Open hot dogs to share. I understand they are a West New York staple and must be tried. This is a limited run and will be restricted to one per person, on a first come first served basis, so make sure you check in to see when they will be ready. I know I’m looking forward to trying them. And have I mentioned the pulled pork? That’s Saturday evening and if you haven’t tried this pork, you are missing out. We’ll have a couple of flavors and this year we will have a small amount of chicken for those who cannot partake of the pork yumminess.
“Can I order now? No? But, I know, I can place that order to be shipped to me…. What do you mean, you can’t do a split delivery? I need that celery at my house and those gallons of salsa at the convention. Can I put in a separate order? Oh, same rules apply on minimums for delivery? Ok.” *sigh.*’
My house is so full of boxes right now, it looks like we are moving again. More are on the way! It’s like Christmas but the gifts are food and for others.
That is a reality, but you know what? It’s worth it because we get to see all your beautiful faces again. I wouldn’t change it for anything.
Have you ever wondered whether you’d enjoy bartending? How about acting as a server or working on a prep line? We continue to seek folks that are willing to give just 4 hours of time between Friday and Sunday evening for our dynamic team. If you think you may be interested in seeing behind the curtain, please send an email to me at hospitality@libertycon.org. I will also be available onsite beginning Thursday. Come say “Hi!”
You are the absolute sh!t Vonn and I adore you.
<3 Leia
Ps Keep that devil's stalk away from me