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The Hugos-1943

As a wonderful look at some of the programming coming to LibertyCon 35 and DeepSouthCon 61 this year, here is a look at the panel The Hugos-1943.

Description: Ben Yalow will host a discussion on fannish history - what was interesting and important that was published in 1943 to include the Hugo Awards 80 years ago and the historical context wherein the works were created.

Not everyone is versed in the science fiction and fantasy writings of eighty years ago though. Thankfully, Toni Weisskopf of Baen Books has provided a list of the novelettes, novellas, and novels that will be discussed during the panel. This way you can look them up, read about them, and in some cases actually get legal e-book versions for free.

Titles in bold are available from Project Gutenberg ( and linked to be available for download. The magazines are linked to the Internet Speculative Fiction Database ( which gives information about each fiction piece.

This first section is

stories found in John W. Campbell’s magazines Astounding Science-Fiction and Unknown Worlds.

Anthony Boucher

We Print the Truth (hard fantasy)


Fredric Brown

The Angelic Angleworm (typical longer short and incredibly clever)


Hal Clement

Attitude (one of the early stories that was establishing him as the exemplar of hard science fiction)


Fritz Leiber

Gather Darkness (science and religion as a mixture of fantasy and science fiction tropes)


Thieves' House (A Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser story)


Conjure Wife (Leiber’s first novel)


Lewis Padgett (Henry Kuttner and C. L. Moore)

Clash By Night (the same setting as their later novel, Fury)


Mimsy Were the Borogoves (Future science and Lewis Carroll)


Eric Frank Russell

Symbiotica (one of the Jay Score robot stories)


James H. Schmitz

Greenface (the first story by someone who would become one of the major authors of the 1960s/70s)


George O. Smith

Calling the Empress (A Venus Equilateral story)


Recoil (A Venus Equilateral story)


A. E. van Vogt

The Weapon Makers (early Libertarian-ish science fiction)


And, in Planet Stories, Leigh Brackett was, by example, helping define the planetary romance genre, with two of the Venus stories.

Leigh Brackett



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