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Becky R. Jones



Becky R. Jones is a recovering political science faculty member turned sci-fi/fantasy author. She is the author of the Academic Magic series (Academic Magic, Night Mage, and Magic Abroad) and several short stories in various anthologies, in addition to academic articles. She has been an avid reader of science fiction and fantasy since she learned to read. When not writing, she likes to read, travel, cook, and play servant to cats. She lives in Texas with her husband and three cats.


Goblin Market

Book 28 of 28: Raconteur Press Anthologies


Adventure Stories for Young Readers


Fantastic Schools

Book 3 of 7: Fantastic Schools


But Not Broken

Hope and Healing Book 2


Academic Magic

Book 1 of 3: Academic Magic


Can't Go Home Again


A Tennessee Literary Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention

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